WORTH is a research platform hosted by Synflux to create new possibilities for digital fashion. In the “Withdrawal Line” collaboration with science fiction author Itsuki Tsukui, avatars were designed using a generative AI process based on the character settings of a science fiction novel, and an interface was developed that allows users to freely customize skins, accessories, masks, etc. from a selection of 192 different variations. The interface was developed to allow users to freely customize skins, accessories, masks, etc., from 192 variations. At the same time, physical clothes linked to the avatar design are sold.
Creative Direction:川崎和也(Synflux)/Kazuya Kawasaki Design Direction:佐野虎太郎(Synflux)/Kotaro Sano Technical Direction:岡本空己(Synflux)/Hiroki Okamoto Design Fiction:津久井五月/Tsukui Itsuki Art Direction, Web Design:奥間迅/Jin Okuma Avatar Modeling:吉川学志/Takashi Kikkawa World Modeling:大穀英雄/Hideo Daikoku Web Engineering:小林篤矢/Atsuya Kobayashi, 齋藤健司/Kenji Saito, 杉本雅広/Masahiro Sugimoto Communication Planning, Business Development:藤嶋陽子(Synflux)/Yoko Fujishima Project Assistant:増野朱菜/Ayana Masuno Technical Assistant:吉田拓海/Takumi Yoshida Key Visual:岸裕真/Yuma Kishi Sound Design:Kyoka Sculpture:広瀬里美/Satomi Hirose SF Text Editorial Design:村尾雄太/Yuta Murao Package Design:Studio TRUE